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Syllabus for College Application Workshop

Instructor: Beth

5 sessions (2.5 hours each).  Class will meet once per week, beginning the week of September 6th and finishing the week of October 4th. 

College Application Workshop

Purpose:  The college application process can be overwhelming for both students and parents. This workshop is designed to alleviate the stress by helping students to navigate the application process successfully. The instructor will provide students with assistance in developing timelines and researching colleges, with an understanding of all parts of the application, with instruction in writing personal statements and supplemental essays, with guidance in soliciting letters of recommendation, and with coaching to prepare students for college admissions interviews.

Course Format:  This workshop consists of 5 sessions of 2.5 hours each.

Session 1: Application Overview, Timelines, & Researching Colleges

Session 2: Personal Statements
Session 3: Supplemental Essay Questions
Session 4: Activities Resumé

Session 5: Letters of Recommendation & Admissions Interviews

Homework: Students will write and revise their personal statements and supplemental application essays, as well as complete sections of the Common Application. Other application-related tasks will include devising a timeline, researching colleges, requesting letters of recommendation, and preparing for admissions interviews.
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