Syllabus for College Prep Writing Level II
Instructor: Beth
32 sessions (2.5 hours each). Class will meet once per week, beginning during the week of Sept. 6th and finishing the week of May 16th. (no class during the weeks of Nov. 22, Dec. 20, Dec. 27, Jan. 3, and April 11)
College Prep Writing Level II
Purpose: The goal of this class is to prepare students for writing beyond high school. This class builds on the skills developed in College Prep Writing Level I and enables students to begin writing at a college level. Class instruction will focus on clarity of thought, organization, concision, grammar and usage, and various writing forms, including literary response, rhetorical analysis, division & classification papers, critical lens essays, college application essays, essay tests, and writing for standardized tests.
Vocabulary Books: Word Smart (by Princeton Review)
Use the Right Word (by Nancy Ragno)
Course Format:
Grammar: We will review college-level English grammar & usage topics, including the following: proper coordination and subordination; proper classification and use of clauses; parallelism; errors of improper comparison and modification; verbals, verbal phrases, and verbal clauses; sentence combining; and proper use of verb mood and voice.
Vocabulary: The vocabulary covered in this course includes high frequency vocabulary for standardized tests, verbal idioms, and words that are commonly confused.
Writing: To prepare students for college-level writing, we will review the fundamentals of clear reasoning and organization and practice several types of writing assignments. These writing tasks will include literary response, rhetorical analysis, division & classification papers, critical lens essays, college application essays, essay tests, and writing for standardized tests.
Homework: Homework will include writing assignments, the study of vocabulary with preparation for vocabulary quizzes, and the completion of grammar worksheets with preparation for grammar quizzes.