SAT Reading and Writing
SAT Reading and Writing
Instructor: Mark
2024 Summer
6/10 - 8/5 Tuesday & Thursday 1:50 - 4:50pm
(16 sessions, No class 7/3 - 7/4)
SAT Reading and Writing
Syllabus for SAT Reading and Writing
Instructor: Mark
Although a number of schools have gone test optional during the pandemic and UC plans to phase out the SAT (and ACT) completely by 2024, most of the top 20 schools are still requiring competitive test scores. The SAT will remain a relevant component of college admissions for the most competitive schools.
This course is valuable, however, even for students who do not plan to submit SAT Scores. It offers rigorous instruction in all aspects of critical reading and writing that can be applied in upper-level courses in high school and in all college courses that have reading and writing requirements.